It is a myth that there is something out there that can make you feel better, or give you something that “completes” you. We all know this all too human feeling incomplete and going after that missing element (article, book, video) that will make us whole again.
But I assert that as human beings, we are perfect just the way we are, and the way we are not. There is nothing you need from the outside world, and if you look deep enough, you will find every answer within yourself. This is what the best leaders and coaches do — help us connect with the answers lying within each one of us.
The day we learn to live an authentic life, be ok with who we are, and give up our pretensions, and don’t give a damn about how the world thinks about us; our life will look and feel completely different. We can trade the feeling of always seeking approval with the feeling of respect anytime we choose.
Remember, you are perfect and complete just the way you are. And to each of your questions, the answer is already within you. You just have to look deep enough.